MLM / Multi Level Marketing Advanced Pro
- Product Code: MLM / Multi Level Marketing Advanced Pro
Best way to promote your website. Increase your sales by giving option to your customers share your website link. This extension is very useful to increase your sales by using MLM system. Customer can buy as well as earn something by sharing link also in this way customer will visit website again and more chances to buy something again.
Features :-
1. Customer can become agent. No need to register separately like affiliate.
2. Earn commission by sharing product or just register new Agent.
3. Customer can check their Downlines
4. Customer can Total Earnings from downlines.
5. Withdraw payment option
6. Admin can set 2 type of commission Order commission , Registration commission
7. Upto 10 levels commissions.
8. Order based commission upto 10 levels.
9. Registration based commission upto 10 levels for referring new customers.
10. Possibility to set status on which order statuses agent will be applicable for commission.
11. Admin can manage agents
12. Admin can check Agent's downlines
13. Make payment against withdrawal requests
14. Free installation
15. Free customization if you are using any custom theme to make compatible extension with theme.