Partial Payment Advanced Pro
The Partial Payment Module enables customers to pay a portion of the total order amount upfront and ..
Multiseller / multivendor / multishippers advanced pro
Start uploading products from frontend. This extension is for multiseller / multivendor store . 1..
MLM / Multi Level Marketing Advanced Pro
Best way to promote your website. Increase your sales by giving option to your customers share your ..
Ebay / Amazon Comparison
This extension enhance your search comparing with ebay / amazon Compatibility, 2.0.1..
Seller Shipping ( for multiseller / multivendor / multishippers)
Seller Based shipping module useful for multiple sellers can set different shipping prices Seller..
PayPal Standard 4.x.x.x
This Payment method is standard paypal method which provides feature to get payment via paypal. Eas..
Live Price Update
Live Price Update with options This extension provides functionality of Live price change/update..
Recently Viewed Products
Enhance your customers' shopping experience with the Recently Viewed Products module for OpenCart. T..
Featured Categories
Featured Categories..
Floating cart
Floating cart..
Stripe Payment Gateway 4.x.x.x
Stripe Payment Gateway 4.x.x.x..
Assign categories to products
Extension provides feature assign categories to bulk products... you can assign multiple categories ..
Category access to specific groups
Category access to specific groups..
Options in listing pages and live price change
Options in listing pages and live price change..
Admin 3 Layer Security
In online E-commerce world security is essential part of website and when it comes to admin then we ..
Ads / Banners / Promotions System 8 Layouts
his Extensions allows you to create different layouts with which you can show your ads / Banners . ..
Communication/Messaging system
Ask question about product in 1 click. No need to register .. 1 Unique random number will generate a..
Contact us form Save/Reply/Delete from admin
This extension is used for save , reply , delete your contact us enquiries in database and show in a..
Customer Group based price ( VQMOD/OCMOD )
This extension is used for giving different price to different groups .....you can assign different ..
Delete Bulk Orders
This extension is useful for Delete multiple order using 1 click by selecting checkboxes. ocmod ext..
Enquire about product
Enquiry about product in 1 click Features:- 1. Quick popup form without leaving product page 2. ..
EuShipment Shipping Module
EUSHIPMENT Shipping Module for OpenCart Streamline your shipping process with the EUSHIPMENT Ship..
First orders discount
Promote your website and increase visitors/sales by giving extra discounts for new customer. This ex..
Front / Back image
This Extension provides ability to add back image on product and when someone mouseover in frontend ..
Image Based Price OCMOD
This extension is useful for similar products or if price is different for different image. You can ..
MLM / Multi Level Marketing Advanced Pro
Best way to promote your website. Increase your sales by giving option to your customers share your ..
Multi orders status change (ocmod and vqmod)
Extension provides feature change status of multiple order in 1 click with notify customers and add ..
Multiseller / multivendor / multishippers advanced pro
Start uploading products from frontend. This extension is for multiseller / multivendor store . 1..
Options autocomplete inputbox to selectbox
Admin auto complete inputbox to selectbox to make it easier to choose from dropdown list. ..
Paid customer group / paid membership
This extension is used for paid membership / paid customer group ... you can give special discounts ..
Product Based Shipping ( OCMOD/VQMOD)
This extension allows you to set shipping rates for each products separate...